For more information download our Sedation Dentistry Brochure
Mild Sedation
Tranquil relaxation often provided by nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or a tablet of medication similar to a sleeping aid. You are conscious and aware during mild sedation, but stress is reduced.
Combined Sedation
Produces a twilight-like sleep where you are responsive to verbal direction while you “daydream.” Time feels compressed and longer appointments become easier. This type of sedation is often produced by the combination of a tablet and nitrous oxide gas.
Intravenous Sedation
A more profound, peaceful sleep-like state. Patients will be barely aware. There may be brief periods where you are in a controlled state of unconsciousness so that you are not bothered by treatments that can cause discomfort. This is an excellent, safe, and predictable form of sedation for many patients.
General Anaesthesia
An anaesthetic that allows for the deepest level of sedation. This is performed at Awake or Asleep by a l anaesthetist.
Light sedation which will last for the entire procedure. You will be able to drive yourself home after the treatment completion
Nitrous Oxide is a sweet-smelling, non-irritating, colorless gas which you can breathe.
Nitrous Oxide has been the the primary means of sedation in dentistry for many years. Nitrous oxide is safe, the patient receives 50-70% oxygen with no less than 30% nitrous oxide.
The patient is able to breathe on their own and remain in control of all bodily functions.
The patient may experience mild amnesia and may fall asleep, not remembering all of what happened during their appointment.
Produces a feeling of complete relaxation. You might be aware of your procedure but you won't feel or recall any pain. Make sure there is someone to accompany you and to drive you home.
For those who require a deep, sleep-like dental visit. Patients are sedated but awake and remember very little about the procedure. Make sure there is someone to accompany you and to drive you home after your appointment.
Patients will be asleep for the duration of the treatment(s) and supervised throughout by an anaesthesiologist and registered nurse (RN), using hospital-grade equipment.
You should not utilize Nitrous Oxide if you have been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Though there are no other major contraindications to using nitrous oxide, you may not want to use it if you have emphysema, exotic chest problems, M.S., a cold or other difficulties with breathing.
You may want to ask your dentist for a "5 minute trial" to see how you feel with this type of sedation method before proceeding.
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Dr. Rita Kilislian practices Endodontic Dentistry at Kawartha Endodontics in Peterborough ON
providing Root Canal Therapy, Endodontic Retreatment, Apicoectomy - Endodontic Surgery, treatment of Traumatic Injuries and Cracked Teeth.
Address: 425 Water Street • Suite 200 • Peterborough ON K9H 3L9 • Telephone: 705-750-0700 • Fax: 705-750-1041
Address: 12 Finch Ave West • Toronto, ON M2N 6l1 • Telephone: 416-733-0500 • Fax: 416-223-5383
Toll Free: 877-313-7066